Friday 22 July 2011


 I have been asked to look into Japanese Photography as part of a possible work experience and to get familiar with it and the contrast between where east meets west in terms of photography.
I'm not excellent at photography - but I will always give it my best go as I am a sucker for it. Since looking into Japanese photography, it's clear that the Japanese use more of a softer approach sticking with a pastel kind of colour scheme in contrast to the western approach (British). The Japanese make it more easy on the eye and kind of gives off the impression that the image has been edited in photoshop. I am sure its not the case (and hope not) but the contrast between the colours is patently obvious when comparing the differences between western and eastern.
Since looking into Japanese photography I have really grown to like it and even including some Japanese Photography blogs into my favourites and inspirations.
I got the images from - its so worth having a little browse around the blog as it shows photography in a different way that most westerners aren't really familiar with.

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